The M+G+R Foundation

The Youth - How consumerism destroys them worldwide

Letter to Hillary Clinton - May 29th, 1994

Note: This letter was written using a very old word processing program. At the time miguel de Portugal was residing in Vilar Formoso (Beautiful Village) in Portugal although he still had a Fatima mailing address.

By this date m de P had already sent several letters and Faxes to the White House covering other matters which appear to have yielded fruit. (1)

Except for the original text encoding "funny symbols" like, for example, "ÌÝe (2<F DPDN þ" we have not change one word in the text.

[m de P's civil name was used]
Apartado # XYZ
2496 Fatima Codex

May 29, 1994

Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton
First Lady
United States of America
The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20510

Subject: The Youth - How consumerism destroys them worldwide.

Dear Mrs. Clinton:

May this letter find you and President Clinton enjoying some spiritual peace in the midst of the whirlwind of the Presidency and the continued attacks staged by Ross Perot, et al.

I have written many documents warning ourselves, Americans, of the detrimental effect that our culture is having on our youth and the youth of the world. The daily news clearly illustrate the state of our youth. Regarding the youth of the world...

I am enclosing photocopies of a small sample of publications and post cards that are part of the regular inventory in the Papelerías in Portugal. [Papelería = Stationery style store that provides most needs for schoolchildren, from gum to books, and assorted merchandise/services for adults].

The particular Papeleria, from which these samples were taken, is in a village with many unpaved streets and periodic cattle traffic on the streets. It is less than two blocks from the only school in the village. The school children who peruse, buy and use such merchandise are between the ages of eight to seventeen.

Although Portugal ranks 12th in literacy amongst the European Community, this type of store with such merchandise abounds.

We do not realize what we have done and are doing to the world by spearheading the destruction of the youth.

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May 29, 1994
Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton

Just to briefly illustrate to you how blind we are...

For years psychiatrists, educators, sociologists, etc. have been debating if the steady diet of violence and sex in our social communication and entertainment systems have a detrimental effect in our society, specifically in our youth. However, we have the concrete answer before our own eyes...

The industrialized nations are societies and systems built on Consumerism. The spread of Consumerism is totally dependent on publicity/advertising. Therefore, we can ascertain that publicity/advertising works; especially saturation advertising.

If publicity/advertising have proven so successful in selling merchandise and services, how could we still be debating the effects that "saturation advertising" of violence and sex in social communication and entertainment system worldwide?

Mrs. Clinton, are we really that blind or do we want to be that blind?

It is really too late to incorporate this information in your health and social agenda, which would have done so much good for our nation and the world. Unfortunately, there is no time left.

My very best regards for President Clinton and, as always, you may count on my daily prayers for the three of you. Please, keep that "family time" sacred regardless of how many staffers get irritated about it. Without a doubt that has to be the most important item in the Clinton's appointment book. A Balanced Presidency flows from a Balanced Presidential Family.

I remain, as always,

Most Sincerely,


Note: It was not until years later that we realized the Mrs. Clinton's "It Takes a Village" (2) was published on January 1996 barely a year and a half later.

(1) Ten year delay
(2) It Takes a Village reported by Wikipedia

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